Bell & Strike Control
Clock tower bells are usually rung by both the clock mechanism and by bell ringers. When the bells are being rung by the ringers, the routine is to pull the bell hammer(s) away from the bell and hold them during ringing to ensure that no damage is caused by ringing conflicting with the clock striking. The Bell Strike Control pulls the bell hammer away from the bell using an electric actuator. This process is controlled either by a time switch or a manual override switch.
The actuator, time control and low voltage power supply is supplied in the form of a simple kit. It is usually straightforward to install but we can arrange for an installer to quote you for installation if necessary.

Shown left is the actuator mechanism and right the strike control box. This contains a programmable timer which may be set for silencing the bell at preset times – typically for night time strike control. A manual switch on the box allows the bell to be silenced at any time.
The actuator and control box may be located separately and simply connected with a low voltage supply flex. This would enable the actuator to be situated in the ideal place for controlling the bell hammer and the control to be most conveniently located for time adjustment or manual control of the bell strike